Halfway through the week already! I like to weigh myself on Wednesdays because it gives me a little cushion if I had anything special over the weekend (like German chocolate cake and lasagna). I try really hard not to weigh myself during the week so I don't get discouraged when I don't see the pounds just falling off.
Now, I am going to get really serious for a moment. This will probably be my most honest post ever written. But, I figure it could be a great motivator when it puts into reality how much I weigh. Knowing that you as a reader has knowledge of that convinces me to keep going so that I don't ever have to be this heavy again.
I really don't know what weight I "started" at before getting pregnant. I was probably 195 pounds, totally guessing here though. At the end of my pregnancy, I was around 242 pounds. Before changing my eating habits, I had lost 31 of those pounds (the little one only really accounting for 7 pounds 12 ounces of that). So my starting weight for the sake of tracking is 214 pounds. This is the heaviest I have been in my entire life. When I was pregnant, I could defiantly feel the weight and it's toll on my body. My knees felt weak and strained. My back was moments away from giving in. Walking a block or two would make me out of breath.
I have been able to camouflage most of my weight using fashion "tricks". Maternity clothes are amazing. Seriously, I wish all jeans had this stretchy, expandable waist that just sucks you in. Or shirts with ruched sides. I also have many black or dark colored shirts so that you can't see the grooves of my body. And I love jackets, sweaters, cardigans, etc. Anything that would hide my arms as well as keep me warm (because apparently I am some sort of cold blooded reptile meant to spend my days laying on a hot rock in the sun). Some outfits I am more confident in than others, and I would like to be able to feel comfortable in anything I put on someday.
So, in the second week of my healthy eating (I don't say the D word. It makes me feel like I won't actually stick to it) I am currently at 209.6 - a total loss of 4.4 pounds. While that number may seem small, I am anxious to watch it grow each week.
Congratulations,Melissa!!!You can and are going to reach your goals!I am cheering you on every step of your journey!!:)♥