For some reason unbeknown-st to me I cannot get Super Massive Black Hole-Muse out of my head. Which leads me to start thinking of Twilight. Which of course just happens to be coming out (no I don't care...well..I read the books and so now I have to see it. But really...I don't care. Go Team Emmett!) Ahem...I digress.
Oh wait...I guess I do know because I am writing an entire blog about it. The reason I have this infamous song loop holing through my mind's soundtrack is because I was just discussing with my sister my most recent Chipotle (sweet...just added another word to my computer's oh so narrow minded Dictionary) experience. Oh my gosh...sudden brain blast...Chipotle is like..elementary school. You get in line, wonder what today's special is. Chipotle doesn't have any specials like back in the day. Anyways. You go down the line and either voice what you would like, or point in the general direction of the item you are longing for and hope: 1. They can read minds or 2. Understand that a lower point on the glass means the one closest to you and if you point slightly higher it means THAT ONE that is near the server.
But for some reason, even though I choose the more straightforward approach of saying exactly what I wanted because I knew that the intensity of how much hot sauce to put on was of utmost importance....she still got it wrong. And I will now quote my conversation with my sister because honestly...I can't paraphrase it better then this:
"Chipotle is a bad idea...
especially if you ask for a litttttle bit of the SUPER MASSIVE HOT SAUCE and she gives you 1/4 cup worth on your burrito bowl :(
And now I have brought you full circle to where my blog has begun...Muse. Oh the wonders of how Melissa's mind works.
Shy Rambler
Picture Explanation (because I know this needs one...): My friend introduced me to; a funny site where you put your face in famous pictures etc. I forgot I had done shoe just fits perfectly for this blog.
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