My memory gets the best of me again. It has been so long since I have posted anything I completely forgot the name of my blog. Something...something with an S? Has to do with being it..Silent Stalker? Wait no. That'
I laughed. My sister laughed. And if it weren't for her I would question my sanity on a daily basis.
Well, I hope you enjoyed because that is all I have time for today.
Shy Rambler (or Silent will never know)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
For some reason unbeknown-st to me I cannot get Super Massive Black Hole-Muse out of my head. Which leads me to start thinking of Twilight. Which of course just happens to be coming out (no I don't care...well..I read the books and so now I have to see it. But really...I don't care. Go Team Emmett!) Ahem...I digress.
Oh wait...I guess I do know because I am writing an entire blog about it. The reason I have this infamous song loop holing through my mind's soundtrack is because I was just discussing with my sister my most recent Chipotle (sweet...just added another word to my computer's oh so narrow minded Dictionary) experience. Oh my gosh...sudden brain blast...Chipotle is like..elementary school. You get in line, wonder what today's special is. Chipotle doesn't have any specials like back in the day. Anyways. You go down the line and either voice what you would like, or point in the general direction of the item you are longing for and hope: 1. They can read minds or 2. Understand that a lower point on the glass means the one closest to you and if you point slightly higher it means THAT ONE that is near the server.
But for some reason, even though I choose the more straightforward approach of saying exactly what I wanted because I knew that the intensity of how much hot sauce to put on was of utmost importance....she still got it wrong. And I will now quote my conversation with my sister because honestly...I can't paraphrase it better then this:
"Chipotle is a bad idea...
especially if you ask for a litttttle bit of the SUPER MASSIVE HOT SAUCE and she gives you 1/4 cup worth on your burrito bowl :(
And now I have brought you full circle to where my blog has begun...Muse. Oh the wonders of how Melissa's mind works.
Shy Rambler
Picture Explanation (because I know this needs one...): My friend introduced me to; a funny site where you put your face in famous pictures etc. I forgot I had done shoe just fits perfectly for this blog.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Lunchtime-Vacation Update
Oh the joys of lunch time. 60 entire minutes to eat (usually taking up a measly 10 mintues), browse Facebook, and finish any other tasks like paying bills online (am I weird if I actually enjoy doing this?).
Once in a blue moon I will actually venture out into the world around me when I need to get something from the store or put gas in my car so I can drive home and not worry about running out in the middle of heavy traffic. So I was pretty proud of myself for remembering I was low on gas and should probably fill up on lunch so I wouldn't have to bother with lines and more traffic after work. As I was pulling up to the pump I had a slight panic attack as I was desperatly trying to recall which side of the car my gas can was located. Really? You go on vacation for a week and can't remember how to pump gas in the car you've been driving for over a year?
To answer my previous blog's question of whether I would lose myself on my vacation and break myself of the mundane tasks of everyday life...this was an apparent yes. Although I had no problem being taxied around by family it is a little discerning to think that going just a week without driving I would forget how to function in a car.
As for the trip? It was amazing. At first I was worried about leaving my home, my boyfriend, my job, my quiet room. But in the end, it was well worth it. For those of you who have me as a friend of Facebook, I apologize for the constant photo and status updates along with "checking-in" everywhere I went. I haven't truly gotten to enjoy all the nifty features of my phone and I just wanted to share all my experiences with everyone. One thing I could have lived without was the heat...I thought I would be completely prepared seeing as I am from California but oh was I wrong!
Many thanks to my grandparnts, Felisha and Dallas (yes you! haha), and the Fadelys. I have never seen a family so connected and ready to do things for others and have the patience to share Felisha and Dallas with me. It wouldn't have been the same without all of you and I'll never forget the memories I made on this trip. I hope to visit Texas again soon! I am determined to convince California, Idaho and now Texas to relocate so they are right next to each other. Wish me luck.
Shy Rambler.
Once in a blue moon I will actually venture out into the world around me when I need to get something from the store or put gas in my car so I can drive home and not worry about running out in the middle of heavy traffic. So I was pretty proud of myself for remembering I was low on gas and should probably fill up on lunch so I wouldn't have to bother with lines and more traffic after work. As I was pulling up to the pump I had a slight panic attack as I was desperatly trying to recall which side of the car my gas can was located. Really? You go on vacation for a week and can't remember how to pump gas in the car you've been driving for over a year?
To answer my previous blog's question of whether I would lose myself on my vacation and break myself of the mundane tasks of everyday life...this was an apparent yes. Although I had no problem being taxied around by family it is a little discerning to think that going just a week without driving I would forget how to function in a car.
As for the trip? It was amazing. At first I was worried about leaving my home, my boyfriend, my job, my quiet room. But in the end, it was well worth it. For those of you who have me as a friend of Facebook, I apologize for the constant photo and status updates along with "checking-in" everywhere I went. I haven't truly gotten to enjoy all the nifty features of my phone and I just wanted to share all my experiences with everyone. One thing I could have lived without was the heat...I thought I would be completely prepared seeing as I am from California but oh was I wrong!
Many thanks to my grandparnts, Felisha and Dallas (yes you! haha), and the Fadelys. I have never seen a family so connected and ready to do things for others and have the patience to share Felisha and Dallas with me. It wouldn't have been the same without all of you and I'll never forget the memories I made on this trip. I hope to visit Texas again soon! I am determined to convince California, Idaho and now Texas to relocate so they are right next to each other. Wish me luck.
Shy Rambler.
Friday, September 23, 2011
To the child of every Star Wars fan...
Have you ever spent hours in front of the computer completely losing track of time? Oh you're reading a blog, of course you know what I am talking about. I literally just spent my entire lunch hour looking at one website. Hence why this will be short, sweet and simple.
I came across this artist's work and was amazed. I love his combination of nostalgia for young and old using the well known children's stories of Winnie the Pooh and the more sci-fi generationaly (made up word) known movies Star Wars.
I love it, and will possibly be planning my future children's room theme already.
Gotta go!
Shy Rambler (not so much today).
(picture was taken from James Hance's website found here
I came across this artist's work and was amazed. I love his combination of nostalgia for young and old using the well known children's stories of Winnie the Pooh and the more sci-fi generationaly (made up word) known movies Star Wars.
I love it, and will possibly be planning my future children's room theme already.
Gotta go!
Shy Rambler (not so much today).
(picture was taken from James Hance's website found here
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Thrilled! Excited! Anxious!
Countdown: 3 days until I leave for San Antonio, Texas to visit with my most favorite cousin of all time. And when does it hit me? In the middle of my work morning just a matter of days before I am supposed to leave. So what does this mean? I have yet to even think about all the things I need to prepare before my departure to cowboy-land.
Sure, I could just be carefree and throw a bag of clothes and basic necessities to get me by and say "what happens, happens!" or..."you know, I needed a new wardrobe anyways...southern belle here I come!". But these are neither of my personality types. Most likely you will find me the morning of my flight frantically washing my favorite pair of jeans and making sure my phone is charged. As my mother would say, it's tradition!
Not to mention the homework I should be catching up on, and the laundry list of things for work that I should be leaving behind (here’s my pile of projects, here is what people will call complaining about, and I will be bringing cookies on Monday for leaving you for an entire week). I guess I never realized just how much I will be leaving behind me for an entire week.
But on the brighter side, I am finally getting that ecstatic butterfly feeling in my stomach. Have I really grown up so much that I don’t get excited about WEEK-long trips to a foreign state where I get to see someone I haven’t seen in over a year!? At what point in my life did I stop liking the idea of just leaving my world for 7 fun-filled days of bliss without having the worry of waking up early to go to work, or trying to make myself go to bed early in order to do so?
I am hoping on this trip I will find my inner-child that has been locked under work, school and the mundane repetition of everyday life. Hopefully I will be able to keep that light alive as I make my way back after the trip and have to dive into reality once more. But for now I will work on what has become one of my own trip-traditions: making an amazing list of things I need but never using it. Who knows, maybe this will be the trip where I do.
Picture: This was taken when I was very young. In it is Felisha (whom I am visiting), Cassie (her sister), Nicole (MY sister), and myself. This is how you would typically find us anytime we were together. We were the same age groups and were usually left to entertain ourselves. And that we did.
Shy Rambler
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Beginning
The "Blog Bug" has struck another innocent bystander. Once upon a time, I would just mindlessly flip through numerous blogs; cooking, baking, crafts, how to prepare for a zombie attack. Every now and then you would hear a tiny chuckle escape me as the author writes about everyday life and those random occurrences that seem to happen world wide. I have friends that are creating blogs to track their lives or to support a goal they have. So, I decided, why can't I do this? I type fairly well, I've taken English classes all my life, why not put some of this knowledge to good use? All while trying at some attempt of being entertaining for others.
If you know me in real life, congratulations. There are only a choice few that I choose to interact with and actually care about. You don't think you are one of this select few? Have no worries, this is not because I am in the state of mind of thinking I am above you and your friendship. It is mostly likely because I am scared of you, or I am just not courageous enough to talk to you. So by all means, if you can't stand my insecurities and think I am just so amazing and you must become my friend, consider this permission.
I apologize in advance for anything that may upset you, or if you randomly break into uncontrollable laughter in the middle of your workday whilst reading my blog. Then again, considering I have humor only a father can understand (and to whom I credit mine coming from; Thanks Dad), this may not be an issue for you.
This blog is titled Shy Rambler because 1. I am shy. 2. I ramble when I speak. I create words that do not exist (comifatble? I want to be confident AND that so much to ask?). And because this blog is not dedicated to just recipes or pictures or my family history it will essentially be whatever I feel like posting that day.
For those of you who have stayed with me thus far, thank you. I look forward to rambling on some more in the hopes that someone will notice and find either some method to my madness or at least enjoy my sarcasm and wittiness.
-Melissa (Shy Rambler)
P.S. I will do my best to post a picture with every blog, it just looks weird without one. And, I will also try to make them original pictures either taken by me or someone I know.
P.S. I will do my best to post a picture with every blog, it just looks weird without one. And, I will also try to make them original pictures either taken by me or someone I know.
Advice? I need it. Desperately. Give it to me. Lots of it.
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